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Editorial Page-17

A real opportunity in Kashmir, let’s take it

After the recent two-day visit of the parliamentary team led by Union home minister Rajnath Singh to Kashmir, the Centre has a real opportunity to take specific steps to address political questions re

07 Sep 2016 6:23 AM

At G-20, spotlight on Pak

India used the gathering of powerful world leaders with the most political and economic clout at G-20 to remind China that its close ties with Pakistan may come under increasing scrutiny.

07 Sep 2016 6:22 AM

Thank You Gurus

If a country has to make notable progress it needs well-qualified, dedicated teachers who can inspire students to dream extraordinary things.

05 Sep 2016 5:47 AM

32 isn't old

The recommendation of reducing the age limit for appearing in the Civil Services Examination by the UPSC is biased.

05 Sep 2016 5:46 AM

Sidhu’s new role

Navjot Singh Sidhu has made waves in the media by floating a new political party in Punjab. It remains to be seen how long he can stay afloat in his endeavour.

05 Sep 2016 5:44 AM


A saint who served India, and humanity

Mother Teresa was ordained a saint by the Pope in a well-attended ceremony at St. Peter’s Square on Sunday.

05 Sep 2016 5:38 AM

Vietnam: Deepening ties

India and Vietnam have always maintained a warm relationship — going back to the time when Vietnam was engaged in its life-and-death war against the United States in which it ultimately emerged victor

05 Sep 2016 5:37 AM

Ganpati bappa, morya!

To a Hindu, the name Ganapati immediately brings to mind the Lord in a form of elephant-faced God, worshipped all over India irrespective of caste, creed or religious beliefs.

04 Sep 2016 10:42 PM

But we haven't reached NAATO!

The Logistics Exchange Memorandum of Agreement (LeMOA) does not make India amilitary ally of the US in the traditional sense of the term, nor does it allow the US to base its weapons and military pers

04 Sep 2016 1:35 AM

The Long March to LEMOA

The signing of a defence logistics support agreement by India and the United States is an important marker in bilateral relations and an example of the two countries overcoming the “hesitations of his

04 Sep 2016 1:31 AM


Flawed beliefs!

This is with reference to your editorial Rahul stands up for party’s core beliefs (September 3).

04 Sep 2016 12:36 AM

Stop this practice

The triple talaq system allows the man to treat woman as chattel. It is glaring to note the numerous insensitive ways in which women are left to fend for themselves under this arbitrary system.

04 Sep 2016 12:35 AM

Past mistakes

Air Chief Marshal Arup Saha has condemned India’s military approach after Partition and has termed the same as the reason for PoK to be tough and problematic even today.

04 Sep 2016 12:35 AM

Unions should pitch proposals realistically

The all-India workers’ strike last Friday — involving 150 million employees — appears to have had only partial impact in the country as a whole.

04 Sep 2016 12:33 AM

Jackie Chan, really!

The decision to confer an honorary Oscar on the action movie star Jackie Chan is certain to prove very popular with his fans, millions of who reside in the most populated parts of the world.

04 Sep 2016 12:32 AM


A shocker for AAP

The news of Navjot Singh Sidhu forming a political party in poll-bound Punjab is bad news for the Aam Aadmi Party.

03 Sep 2016 1:32 AM

Follies of the past

Apropos the report Idealism lost us chance to get PoK back: Arup Raha (September 2).

03 Sep 2016 1:13 AM

Out of the ordinary

Be it the incubating surrogacy laws that are based on the dictum of throwing the baby out with the bathwater, or be it the much-bandied punitive legislation to eclipse the stars advocating and adverti

03 Sep 2016 1:11 AM

Rahul stands up for party’s core beliefs

As a RSS functionary from Bhiwandi in Maharashtra has sued Congress vice-chief Rahul Gandhi for defamation for saying at an election rally in 2014 that “RSS people shot Gandhiji dead, and now these pe

03 Sep 2016 1:00 AM

PoK: Myth and reality

Air Chief Marshal Arup Raha, the head of the Indian Air Force, appears to have gone ballistic, throwing at an aerospace seminar in New Delhi on Thursday a view that is among the oldest in the RSS armo

03 Sep 2016 12:57 AM