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European Union Page-16

Move Brexit trade talks quickly: Theresa May to EU

The European Union states that they will start talks on a post-Brexit transition in January but will not begin trade talks until March.

15 Dec 2017 3:05 PM

EU grapples with Brexit after May loses to rebels

27 leaders are expected to attend the talks during the two-day meeting in Brussels.

15 Dec 2017 6:44 AM

Post-Brexit deal 'urgent priority': UK lawmakers to Theresa May

Obtaining a transition period is an 'urgent priority' if the UK is to avoid a no-deal scenario when it exits the European Union.

14 Dec 2017 3:52 PM

Ukraine, Poland meet, attempt to end post-WWII hostility

‘Introducing peacekeepers will bring an end to armed conflict between Ukranians and Russians,’ says visiting President Andrzej Duda.

14 Dec 2017 1:31 PM

Theresa May loses EU withdrawal bill amid party rebellion

Conservative party rebels had made common cause with Opposition Labour MPs on a highly contentious issue.

14 Dec 2017 1:13 PM


EU ministers shake heads at Trump’s Jerusalem move, Netanyahu’s request

The EU believes it has a duty to make its voice heard as the Palestinians' biggest aid donor and Israel's biggest trade partner.

11 Dec 2017 5:10 PM

Romanians stage protests against left-wing government, corruption

The demonstrators want the withdrawal of proposed legislation that would overhaul Romania's justice system.

11 Dec 2017 3:42 PM

Theresa May assures 'new' optimism amid concerns over 'soft’ Brexit

Under the proposed agreement, Britain will pay a financial settlement of between 35 39 billion pound for leaving the bloc.

11 Dec 2017 11:14 AM

Amid new realities, India must keep its balance

India should revitalise its relationship with Russia while taking care not to relive the bonhomie of the Indo-Soviet Friendship Treaty era.

09 Dec 2017 1:53 AM

Key points of Brexit deal: Citizen’s rights, border, financial settlement

Brexit negotiations are ready to move into the second phase of talks on future relations.

08 Dec 2017 7:19 PM


Brexit divorce deal sees light of day: UK, EU agree, ready for 2nd phase

Jean-Claude Juncker, said: ‘This is a difficult negotiation but we have now made a first breakthrough.’

08 Dec 2017 12:51 PM

Britain still ‘very confident’ of Brexit divorce deal: finance minister

‘This is a very complex set of negotiations, there are many moving parts in it, there are many parties involved,’ Philip Hammond said.

05 Dec 2017 6:44 PM

Amid rumours of his ouster, Tillerson meets EU, NATO counterparts

The EU has been ramping up economic sanctions on the North in a bid to force it to the negotiating table - but with no success so far.

05 Dec 2017 2:31 PM

Libya allows emergency evacuation of migrants facing abuses, slave trading

African Union, European Union and United Nations officials offered increased support for the International Organisation of Migration.

30 Nov 2017 3:21 PM

Britain, European Union agree on Brexit divorce bill: report

The two sides already believe they are close on agreeing the scope of rights for expatriate citizens in Britain and on the continent.

29 Nov 2017 4:22 PM


Xenophobia made British citizen's vote for Brexit: study

The research also found that people who just thought it was great to be British or just valued their British identity.

27 Nov 2017 6:55 PM

Continue to play tough: Ireland EU Commissioner on blocking Brexit talks

British Prime Minister Theresa May has said Britain will leave the single market and the customs unions after Brexit.

26 Nov 2017 6:52 PM

The case of disappearing human rights

The activists were charged after a workshop on digital security that was held in a hotel.

26 Nov 2017 4:37 AM

Theresa May increases efforts to broaden Brexit negotiations

May said Friday that she will hold meetings in Brussels, including with EU Council President Donald Tusk.

24 Nov 2017 4:05 PM

What would India be if the British never came?

Britain steered India’s transition from medievalism to modernity.

21 Nov 2017 12:02 AM