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  World   Europe  05 Jan 2017  14 identites were used Berlin attacker Anis Amri

14 identites were used Berlin attacker Anis Amri

Published : Jan 5, 2017, 7:27 pm IST
Updated : Jan 5, 2017, 7:27 pm IST

The 24-year-old Tunisian was killed in a shootout with Italian police in a Milan suburb on December 23.

Berlin attacker Anis Amri (Photo: AP)
 Berlin attacker Anis Amri (Photo: AP)

Berlin: A police official said that German authorities knew of 14 different identities used by Berlin Christmas market attacker Anis Amri.

Investigators say the 24-year-old Tunisian drove a truck into the market on December 19, killing 12 people. He was killed on December 23 in a shootout with Italian police in a Milan suburb.

Amri came to Germany in mid-2015. Authorities later put him on a list of potentially violent Islamic extremists.

Separately, he was investigated for receiving benefits simultaneously under two different identities.

The head of North Rhine-Westphalia state's criminal police, Dieter Schuermann, told regional lawmakers on Thursday that authorities couldn't find evidence of possible attack plans that would stand up in court, news agencies reported.

He said they "exhausted all legal powers to the limit to ward off potential dangers."

Tags: berlin attack, anis amri