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  World   Americas  24 Nov 2016  British man sexually attacks pregnant partner while in labour; held

British man sexually attacks pregnant partner while in labour; held

Published : Nov 24, 2016, 3:33 pm IST
Updated : Apr 4, 2017, 11:13 am IST

When the accused woke up and saw the victim naked on the bed, he told her, 'I feel horny' attacking her.

A man in East Yorkshire in England was arrested for raping his pregnant girlfriend while she was in labour after telling her that he felt horny. (Photo: AP/ Representational)
 A man in East Yorkshire in England was arrested for raping his pregnant girlfriend while she was in labour after telling her that he felt horny. (Photo: AP/ Representational)

Hull, East Yorkshire: A UK man, accused of raping his pregnant girlfriend while she was in labour after telling her that he felt horny, has been arrested.

According to a report in Daily Mail, the accused violently attacked his partner while she sat on her knees, trying to relieve herself from the pain of contractions after going into labour.

The incident took place at the couple's home in Hull, East Yorkshire in England.

While the case was under trial at the Hull Crown Court, prosecutors argued that the accused continued to rape his partner even as she cried out in pain. They also told the court that the victim repeatedly begged him to stop, but he refused to listen.

Hours after the incident, the woman gave birth to their son in the hospital.

During the proceedings of the court, the judge was told that the victim went into advanced stage labour while she was sleeping and was naked at the time of the attack.

In order to relieve herself from the pain arising due to the contractions, she got on to her knees. When the accused woke up and saw the victim naked on the bed, he told her, "I feel horny" attacking her.

The court was also told that after the attack, the accused behaved as if nothing had happened and even offered the victim a bath.

The case is currently undergoing a trial.

Tags: rape, crime, pregnant woman raped
Location: United Kingdom, England