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  Life   More Features  09 May 2017  Farmers in Karnataka drag crocodile to safety from mud

Farmers in Karnataka drag crocodile to safety from mud

Published : May 9, 2017, 3:06 pm IST
Updated : May 9, 2017, 3:06 pm IST

The villagers dragged it out with bare hands and poured water in an attempt to save the dehydrated beast.

The villagers blamed the government for not desilting the river (Photo: YouTube)
 The villagers blamed the government for not desilting the river (Photo: YouTube)

Crocodiles are known to be terrifying creatures that stalk their prey usually in murky waters as their strong jaws are akin to certain death for any creature caught between them. But the menacing reptile too can get in trouble, and may need some help.

In a heart-warming video, farmers in Karnataka came to the rescue of a stranded crocodile as they waded through mud and dragged the big reptile to safety with their bare hands.

The incident took place in Koorthi village as the villagers tried to save the dehydrated crocodile and blamed the local government for not desilting the river and allowing formation of slush.

Click below to watch


Tags: viral video, crocodile, farmers