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No Dairy? No Worry!

Published : Jan 5, 2020, 2:00 am IST
Updated : Jan 5, 2020, 2:00 am IST

Most people these days miss out on something good as they are lactose intolerant.

Almond Milk
 Almond Milk

Think of that soft and creamy buttercream icing on your cake or fluffy pancakes that are made using eggs and milk? Can’t eat  because you’re lactose intolerant? This is something that a lot of people these days suffer from. They can never enjoy the pleasure of eating a iced cupcake or a milky coffee. But now they can proudly eat that slice of cheesy pizza without falling sick after. Dairy products like milk, cheese, yogurt and butter, they are being replaced  wonderfully curated ingredients that are always part of kitchen.

Almond milk: Those looking for a dairy-free milk substitute have probably stumbled across almond milk and wondered, “Is almond milk good for you?” Whether you’re a vegan, sensitive to milk or just don’t like the taste, almond milk is a fabulous alternative.

Sesame butter: It’s packed with nutrients, flavour, and is a fun way to jazz up your dishes. It’s also a wonderful alternative for those with nut allergies and is naturally gluten-free. The combo of protein, fiber, and fat in sesame butter is the perfect triad to stave off hunger. These three nutrients work to keep blood sugar levels stable, which keeps you feeling full longer. Stable blood sugar levels also helps keep our energy levels up, without that dreaded crash.

Peanut curd: This curd  has the same beneficial effect on digestion as conventional curd.It’s also perfect for vegan curd rice. Peanuts are rich in protein, many essential minerals, B and E vitamins as well as health protective antioxidants. They also contain healthy mono and poly unsaturated fats and are rated as one of the healthiest foods for growth and development.

Tags: almond milk, peanut curd