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  18 Feb 2020  Best Keto products buy - approved by World Health Organization (WHO)

Best Keto products buy - approved by World Health Organization (WHO)

Published : Feb 18, 2020, 3:44 pm IST
Updated : Feb 18, 2020, 3:52 pm IST

Also referred to as keto diet, it is a fat rich diet with minimal carbs.

 If you have heard or are following keto diet already, we suggest you to go through this article to be able to equip yourself with certain aspects of keto.
  If you have heard or are following keto diet already, we suggest you to go through this article to be able to equip yourself with certain aspects of keto.

A healthy mind lives in a healthy body. And the one who has ever been over weight knows what it really takes to be back to shape. Exercise, diet, rigorous gum routines and what not! It is certainly not a cake walk. But one thing which is important is doing it rightly because lack of accurate information can lead to devastating results. 

 If you have heard or are following keto diet already, we suggest you to go through this article to be able to equip yourself with certain aspects of keto. The article intends to provide understanding on the process of ketosis, what you need to abide or avoid to enter into this process and how you can benefit from it. 

Read below.

Must See : Best keto Products Buy - Approved By World Health Organization (WHO)

Understanding Ketosis

Ketosis is a natural metabolic process of your body.  When the body lacks enough glucose to convert into energy, it burns stored fats instead which also results in a build-up of acids called ketones.

Your body obtains glucose typically from dietary carbohydrates, including sources such as sugar like in fruits, milk or yogurt or from starchy foods such as bread and pasta. So all such food items which provide carbs to your body are not supposed to be consumed as this act as a hindrance in the process of ketosis.

For your body to enter in the process of ketosis you need to follow ketogenic diet.  Other conditions which can result in ketosis in your body are pregnancy, infancy, fasting and starvation.

What is Ketogenic diet?

Also referred to as keto diet, it is a fat rich diet with minimal carbs.  The diet allows consuming food items which are able to provide you a balance of nearly 75% fat, 20% protein and 5 % carbs.  

Once your body enters this process, it becomes capable of considerably reducing fats for energy not burning carbohydrates.  So there are specific food items that promote the process of ketosis and few which obstruct. Let’s have a look.

Foods Allowed in Keto Diet

  • Unprocessed Meat
  • All sea foods especially Salmon
  • Eggs
  • Avocado
  • Vegetable grown above ground like leafy green vegetables, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, zucchini
  • Nuts and Seeds
  • Tea and Coffee

Foods Prohibited in Keto Diet

  • Grains and starches which include foods like wheat based products, rice, pasta, cereals etc.  
  • Unhealthy fats which means avoiding eating processed items like vegetable oil
  • Alcohol since it limits your ketosis process due to high amount of carbs
  • All fruits except berries
  • Beans & Root vegetables like peas, kidney beans, chick peas, potatoes, carrots etc. should be avoided 

Benefits of Ketogenic Diet

  • Controlling Symptoms of Epilepsy - Epilepsy is a brain disorder which manifests as recurring seizures. Back in 1920s, the ketogenic diet was used as a treatment for epilepsy in people who failed to respond to drug treatment. The results have been remarkable in children showing great positive benefits.  
  • Treating Diabetes –Ketogenic diet is also helpful to patients with type 2 diabetes. This is because the diet helps in controlling blood sugar.
  • Some other conditions where ketogenic diet may have a healthful effect on serious health conditions are under study. The list includes conditions as metabolic syndrome, metabolic syndrome, Alzheimer's disease, acne, cancer, polycystic ovary disease (PCOS) and Lou Gehrig's disease.
  • Ketogenic Diet and Weight Loss

If you are following ketogenic diet with the purpose of losing weight, you are on the right path. Ketosis helps you in burning the fats and reducing your weight. There have been significant studies proving the relationship between ketosis and weight loss.  When you eat more of fats and less of carbs, it results in a change in the fuel source of your body. The process gradually leads to losing weight and becoming slim. 

The point to remember here is that this is a gradual process which needs to followed with due precautions. Keto diet means low-carb and not no-carb so you need to keep having some carbs here and there to keep yourself fit. There are certain symptoms characterised as keto flu that you need to be aware of. Take a note of what kind of exercises you should follow during keto diet and where all keto diet can’t be followed.

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Tags: keto diet