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k sivan

Private sector can now build rockets, provide launch services: ISRO chief Sivan

Terming this a "major reform", Sivan said the private sector can also be part of the inter-planetary missions of the ISRO

25 Jun 2020 10:26 AM

Four IAF men to train as astronauts for Gaganyaan mission: ISRO chief K Sivan

Sivan also stated that Chandrayaan-3's configuration will be almost similar to Chandrayaan-2 but will have a rover with a propulsion module.

01 Jan 2020 3:07 PM

ISRO successfully launches PSLVC48 carrying RISAT-2BR1, 9 foreign satellites

ISRO Chairman K Sivan and other scientists greeted each other as all 10 satellites were injected into the desired orbit.

11 Dec 2019 4:58 PM

Our own orbiter had already located Vikram lander before NASA: ISRO chief

'Our own orbiter had located Vikram Lander, we had already declared that on our website, you can go back and see,' said Sivan.

04 Dec 2019 10:11 AM

Chandrayaan-2 not end of story, will put in all efforts to demonstrate soft landing: ISRO chief

ISRO chief K Sivan said a large number of advance satellite launches are planned in the coming months.

02 Nov 2019 1:35 PM


Watch: ISRO chief gets warm welcome on board Indigo flight

While Sivan was on his way to his seat, other passengers clapped and he was seen waving his hand back with a beaming smile on his face.

06 Oct 2019 11:32 AM

Chandrayaan-2 orbiter performing well, no communication with Vikram lander: Sivan

Gaganyaan mission is India's first manned mission to space.

26 Sep 2019 3:32 PM

Ex-officials slam Sivan, says 'ISRO changes Chandrayan-2 success rates every day'

'In one week (success) percentage has increased by three per cent,' a former official made sarcastic comment.

23 Sep 2019 10:26 AM

Next on target is manned mission to space: Isro chief

As a part of the exercise, India will send two unmanned missions — one in 2020 another in July 2021 — to space.

22 Sep 2019 5:47 AM

Despite setback with Chandrayaan-2, ISRO optimistic about man mission

Gaganyaan, the country's first human mission to space, was announced by PM Narendra Modi last year during his Independence Day speech.

21 Sep 2019 2:14 PM


ISRO says, 'efforts being made to establish communication with Lander Vikram'

After revolving around the Earth's orbit for nearly 23 days, the craft began its journey to the moon on August 14.

10 Sep 2019 11:21 AM

Vikram in one piece but in tilted position: ISRO as it tries to connect with lander

'It had hard-landing very close to planned (touch-down) site as per the images sent by the on-board camera of the orbiter,' ISRO said.

09 Sep 2019 1:57 PM

Chandrayaan-1's director explains why Vikram lander stopped receiving signals

ISRO earlier lost contact with the Vikram Lander, minutes before its touchdown on the lunar surface in the early hours on Saturday.

09 Sep 2019 9:04 AM

Vikram hit surface of moon, did not soft land: ISRO

“Yes, we have located the lander on the lunar surface. It must have been a hard-landing,” Mr Sivan said.

09 Sep 2019 3:43 AM

'Hopes fading on re-establishing link with Vikram lander,' say ISRO scientists

However, with 'right orientation' it can still generate power and recharge batteries with solar panels, he added.

08 Sep 2019 5:08 PM


Let Chandrayaan-2 miss not mar future missions

Much science is expected from Chandrayaan-2, the mother ship, which will continue to circle the moon at a distance of 100 km.

08 Sep 2019 7:23 AM

I am with you, nation is with you, PM Modi to scientists

Only half of the lunar missions involving landing on moon surface have succeeded in the last six decades, according to NASA.

08 Sep 2019 6:53 AM

Vikram: What thwarted a smooth landing on the moon?

Scientists also pointed out that the communication link snapped as the lander collided with a large mound after deviating from its path.

08 Sep 2019 6:14 AM

Moon touchdown mission faces last-minute setback

You have done a big service to nation, PM Modi tells scientists.

08 Sep 2019 2:26 AM

It's not over yet, will try to re-establish connection with Vikram lander: ISRO chief

Sivan said the setback won’t affect India’s space programme including its first manned mission, Gaganyaan.

07 Sep 2019 9:32 PM