Saturday, Jun 01, 2024 | Last Update : 09:47 AM IST


10 atoms thick heat shield to guard electronic devices

The thinner heat shields will enable engineers to make electronic devices even more compact than those we have today.

22 Aug 2019 7:42 AM

Elephants beat the heat with watermelon and cucumbers

Elephants keep cool with watermelon, cucumber at Mathura centre.

24 Jun 2019 10:31 AM

This gadget can chill your beer from room temperature to ice-cold in a minute

This 500-rpm BlueQuench Qooler is about to appear on Indiegogo and can help you through this sweltering summer.

17 Apr 2019 2:45 PM

Heat puts Mumbaikars in sick bay

Change in climate had given rise to viral infections such as fever, dehydration and dysentery, said general physician Dr Dilip Patil.

01 Oct 2018 2:36 AM

Here are 13 steps for hair care during monsoon

Monsoon is interspersed with times of heat and humidity which wrecks havoc on hair.

28 Jul 2018 12:33 PM


Thinking skills may suffer on hot days

Heat waves have detrimental effects in young healthy adults too.

12 Jul 2018 6:47 PM

Soaring temperatures may up risk of workplace injuries: Study

The information was analysed in relation to the daily temperatures in the province where each injury occurred.

11 Jun 2018 7:02 PM

Bizarre: Woman cooks crispy fish on car hood in 40 degrees weather

Boiling heat in China has allowed a woman to cook fish on her car hood.

07 Jun 2018 3:17 PM

Climate change may be responsible for lightning-ignited fires

Climate change is amplifying climate-fire teleconnections.

05 Jun 2018 3:47 PM

Cars can reach deadly temperatures in 1 hour under the sun

A person's age and other factors affect how and when heat become deadly.

27 May 2018 10:14 AM


Earth may become 4 degrees warmer by 2084, says study

Increase translates to more annual and seasonal warming over land than over ocean, with significant warming in Arctic, researchers said.

24 May 2018 6:47 PM

Beat the heat with some lychee treat

Lychees are rich in antioxidant vitamin C, with more than 100 per cent of the recommended daily amount of vitamin C in one cup.

22 May 2018 3:27 PM

88 per cent Delhiites suffer from Vitamin D deficiency, finds survey

According to the ASSOCHAM, majority of Delhi's population has a Vitamin D level, which is less than normal.

14 Apr 2018 10:21 AM

Mumbai feels the heat at 35 degree Celsius

The IMD has attributed the hot weather conditions in the city to the setting in of warmer easterly winds.

26 Feb 2018 2:07 AM

Find out how extreme heat can cause death

Most at risk are elderly, people living in socioeconomic disadvantage, workers, and athletes who play outdoors.

20 Feb 2018 11:21 AM


Yeast rises and overflows out of truck on US highway due to heat

The temperature activated the yeast in the truck carrying dough leading to the situataion.

27 Jul 2017 6:01 PM

Respite temporary, heat to rise during weekend

Temperatures may approach 43ºC in the national capital soon.

12 Apr 2017 2:52 AM

Heat radiation from rocks sizzled Bhira at 46.5 deg C: IMD

This is the first time that the temperature has risen beyond 46.5 deg C in Bhira, where the mercury generally hovers around 40 deg C in summer.

03 Apr 2017 2:25 AM

No El Nino? No problem. Earth sizzles to near record heat

It was also the second hottest winter in the northern hemisphere on record.

18 Mar 2017 10:44 AM

World's most heat resistant material found

Researchers from Imperial College London discovered that the melting point of hafnium carbide is the highest ever recorded for a material.

26 Dec 2016 8:09 AM