

Editions: Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and London

A brief history of The Asian Age

In February 1994, India's global newspaper, The Asian Age, was launched simultaneously from Delhi, Mumbai and London. Today, it has editions in Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and London. It has come a long way since its inception, and has already established itself within the competitive environment of Indian media as a daily to reckon with. It is, also the only Indian newspaper with an international edition (London).

Deccan Chronicle & The Asian Age - A Perspective

News is news plus views: We always keep this in mind and cater to not just the why, how, what, when and where of news but we also analyse why something in the news is more than just an incident. We show you what is happening, and the reasons behind it.

To bring the world to India, we as a group also publish the International Herald Tribune in India, and a special supplement from the New York Times every Saturday with the Delhi and Mumbai editions of The Asian Age.

Circulation figures for The Asian Age and Deccan Chronicle together come to over a million copies a day. With over 60 years of experience in publishing Deccan Chronicle and over ten for The Asian Age, it is with confidence and élan that we look at the future and the coming decades.

Ever aware of the need to provide the best available information, it is our constant endeavour to enhance editorial content and presentation, and to provide the best analyses to our discerning readers.

We also provide a platform for readers to send their letters to the Editor, and to voice their grievances while dealing with companies, government organisations and so on.

Editorial content:

As a paper, The Asian Age stands for news. Ever since its inception it has set new standards in unbiased and fearless reporting. The thrust of the paper is as much local as national and international. The Asian Age was one of the first papers in India to publish a daily city/regional supplement extensively covering local news. This practice continues. The Asian Age is India's only paper which has found a perfect blend of national and international news, and the first comment pages in the country, catering to all reader groups.Being a national newspaper, The Asian Age keeps its eyes and ears open to all that is happening in the country today, be it in the power corridors of Delhi or in a border village in Kashmir. International news is another of its strong points. Several readership surveys have cited The Asian Age for the wide spectrum of international news it provides. A recent national survey shows how the readership of the paper has risen phenomenally among the internet savvy and the upwardly mobile.

The Asian Age is global in more ways than one. It has established a unique editorial tie-up with one of the world's leading global English newspapers, The New York Times. Every Saturday, The New York Times prepares an exclusive 8-page supplement for the Delhi and Mumbai editions of The Asian Age. The New York Times International Weekly is a compendium of the best articles and news features from leading journalists in the United States.

In addition, The Asian Age has supplements on movies, fashion and lifestyle, education, information and technology, health, and books. It is the most comprehensive newspaper in the Indian market, not just for the entire family, but also for the entrepreneur, the young executive, and the established CEO.The Editorial Team - what's in a name?While what you read is essential to make you the kind of person you are, who you read is even more so for the kind of perspective you develop. The Asian Age brings you a selection of some of the finest columnists in the country and several from the international arena. News analyses from people in the know.Our distinguished national columnists are: Inder Malhotra, Arun Nehru, P.C. Alexander, Balbir K. Punj, Farrukh Dhondy, Cyrus Broacha, Dilip Cherian, Jayati Ghosh, R. Mohan, Lt. Gen. S.K. Sinha (Retd) and Anu Ranjan.

The Deccan Chronicle and The Asian Age are sister papers with the former brand published in South India and the latter from the rest of India and London.

Editions: Hyderabad, Chennai, Bangalore
A brief history of the Deccan Chronicle

Established in Hyderabad in 1938, Deccan Chronicle is the no.1 daily in Andhra Pradesh and the 4th most-read English daily in India.

In 2005, Deccan Chronicle's foray into the Chennai market produced spectacular results: within three months of its launch in March 2005, it took over half the market share of English dailies. This upward trend continues.

The Deccan Chronicle has a loyal reader base that appreciates the paper for its daily news on current affairs, politics and business, as also on society, art, culture, lifestyle, fashion and films among other things. Its dedicated team of journalists evolves with the readers' needs, understanding their desire for information, providing them with the tools that can keep them ahead in their professional and personal lives.
Printing & Marketing Strengths

The Deccan Chronicle & The Asian Age spells quality in all its activities. We have state of the art printing machines which print over 70,000 copies per hour. The growth in circulation of Deccan Chronicle, Chennai from Zero to 2,95,326 copies in less than a year is a great testimony of the professionals working in the organisation with an in depth knowledge of customer & market needs. The year on year circulation growth in matured markets like Hyderabad, Delhi & Mumbai is a reflection of our editorial and marketing strengths.