Here's a beer that is scientifically designed to increase your sex drive
Watercress is also rich in vitamins A, B, C and E which are also known to increase virility.

It turns out that now beer makers have unveiled a new drink that has been scientifically tailored to boost a drinker’s sex drive.
The new beer combines a virility boosting superfood and an ancient symbol of sexual prowess and fertility.
According to a report published in The Sun, Cerne Abbas Brewery has launched Watercress Warrior - which uses the aquatic plant's seeds as its key ingredient.
The plant is also rich in vitamins A, B, C and E which are also known to increase virility.
The Dorste brewery’s logo of the Cerne Abbas Giant also appears on the new beer.
The 180ft tall chalk figure of a naked man attracts couples wanting to conceive who have been known to get amorous on top of the giant's 35ft manhood.
According to reports, the new beer has been made using hops, watercress seeds and 1,000 litres of spring water from natural springs at The Watercress Company's farm near Dorchester and according to makers, it is "a delightfully hoppy brew with a refreshing citrus bite which contrasts deliciously with the peppery hit of the watercress."
Not only that, it turns out that beer actually makes a person perform better in bed, here’s how:
It makes you last longer: The phytoestrogens in beer can help delay premature ejaculation.
Dark brews get you in the mood: Darker beers contain more iron than pale ones, increasing both red blood cells and overall circulation. These are two vital building blocks to easier and more frequent erections.
Beer increases stamina: Research at Italy’s Fondazione di Ricerca e Cura showed that men who downed a pint a day were 31 per cent less likely to suffer from heart issues, giving credence to the belief that beer increases stamina.