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In Other news Page-25

Quackery not allowed: Posts claiming to change gays' sexual orientation banned from Facebook

The move is an extension of an existing ban on ads that promote conversion therapy, which medical experts consider ineffective and harmful.

11 Jul 2020 4:13 PM

Server of Wikileaks-like whistleblower collective seized in Germany for exposing US police excesses

DDoSecrets founder Emma Best said the data, dubbed “BlueLeaks,” comes from more than 200 agencies.

10 Jul 2020 9:33 PM

Missions to Mars have been sent since the 1960s, here's where we are in six decades

Three missions to the Red Planet are scheduled in July, by UAE, China and the United States.

10 Jul 2020 8:17 PM

New robotic arm helps people with cerebral palsy and victims of trauma overcome motor impairment

The Indian Institute of Science has designed an eye-gaze controlled robotic arm to put them on par with non-disabled peers.

10 Jul 2020 7:23 PM

Mars probe next for UAE space mission, which has sent one Emirati and nine satellites up

The 1,350-kg probe named Al-Amal, meaning Hope, is due to blast off from Japan’s Tanegashima Space Centre on July 15.

10 Jul 2020 5:49 PM


It’s hyberbole, Musk can’t bring out a fully automated Tesla this year, experts say

Developers are starting to realise the limits of artificial intelligence and the benefits of the human brain in handling many situations.

10 Jul 2020 5:02 PM

Facial recognition firm Clearview pulled up for harvesting Facebook, Instagram photos

Information Commissioners of UK and Australia are scrutinising the US startup on violations of user privacy.

09 Jul 2020 9:21 PM

TikTok's astute exit from Hong Kong will likely keep it going in the US

It is a ‘win-win’ move for TikTok as it does not risk angering China by refusing to share user data, but it can focus on growing in the US.

09 Jul 2020 8:57 PM

No need to reveal online pirates' IP address: EU Court

Online platforms like YouTube just need to provide the user’s postal address under European rules on intellectual property rights.

09 Jul 2020 7:38 PM

Dissent suppression apart, UAE using its extensive surveillance network in bid to curb coronavirus

Many of the CCTV cameras and thermal scanners used by the UAE come from China.

09 Jul 2020 6:13 PM


Future of communications infra should be founded on Western Ideals of private property, Pompeo says

Decrying Chinese spying, the US Secretary of State praised Google, Facebook and Twitter for not sharing user data with Hong Kong government

09 Jul 2020 4:50 PM

Facebook looking to score points for just optics, no action taken on hate speech: Ad boycott organisers

They said at a virtual meeting with Zuckerberg they "didn’t hear anything...to convince us that Zuckerberg and colleagues are taking action"

08 Jul 2020 8:17 PM

Can Instagram Reels be as big as TikTok was in India?

The Facebook product looms large in a space that Indian apps Chingari, Roposo, and Go Social are trying establish a foothold in.

08 Jul 2020 7:04 PM

Biased algorithms, content moderation, ad policy, voter suppression among Facebook's civil rights issues

A civil rights audit being conducted over the past two years says not fact-checking Trump's lies among setbacks to progress.

08 Jul 2020 5:59 PM

Facebook and Twitter rejects populate conservative social network of uncensored racism and bigotry

Parler, founded in Nevada in 2018, bills itself as an alternative to “ideological suppression” at other social networks.

08 Jul 2020 4:57 PM


Won't entertain Hong Kong user data requests, say Microsoft, Zoom joining Twitter, Facebook, Google

Police have stepped up requests on user data to pick up dissidents in the wake of the national security law being enforced.

08 Jul 2020 4:10 PM

Court in S Korea rejects US extradition of man who traded in child porn using digital currency

He served just an 18-month sentence, and a judge ruled that he would not be extradited to the US where he could face longer incarceration.

06 Jul 2020 9:35 PM

Uber expands its US food delivery business with purchase of startup Postmates

Postmates, whose business delivering food, groceries and other goods doubled amid lockdown, was bought for $2.65 billion.

06 Jul 2020 7:13 PM

Restrictions put in place to limit Huawei's access to France's 5G network

While the Chinese company is not banned, operators using Huawei will be given only limited permits for 3-8 years.

06 Jul 2020 5:26 PM

Tech This Week | Banning TikTok is another nail on coffin of internet exceptionalism

The action against Chinese Apps is not about data protection but is a political manoeuvre.

04 Jul 2020 10:44 PM