Apple opens education-focused event in Chicago
The trend-setting company is expected to provide more details about its renewed emphasis on education at a Chicago high school.

Apple has started an education-focused event in Chicago as it looks to get its high-tech products into classrooms.
CEO Tim Cook is opening the show by noting that Chicago Public Schools has been working with Apple to teach coding to hundreds of thousands of public students.
The trend-setting company is expected to provide more details about its renewed emphasis on education at a Chicago high school. The curriculum may include a lower-priced iPad and a variety of services tailored for students ranging from kindergarten through high school.
Apple is trying to regain ground lost to rivals Google and Microsoft during the past few years.
Google has emerged as the education leader in the US market, thanks largely to laptop computers running on its Chrome software. Some of those so-called Chromebooks sell for $200 to $250 while the cheapest iPad currently costs $329.
An even-lower priced iPad could help Apple teach Google a lesson.