Mystic Mantra: Only a guru can show you the right path
An animal manifestation ensures a natural and automatic progression into the next birth.

The spirit takes birth in a body on the basis of its desires and karmic balance. Once manifested in the birth of a human or an animal it has to go through the entire process of living experiencing and dying, all pains and pleasures have to be gone through on its own, there is no escape.
An animal manifestation ensures a natural and automatic progression into the next birth. If the animal happens to be in a genuine ashram with a yog guru and hears and feels the vedic chants, then it will manifest as a developed human being with a strong chance for salvation, even direct salvation is possible if it has been touched by the guru.
A human being who is tied to the bondages of maya and is ruled by his desires has a tougher chance....because he thinks and judges, not that thinking is not allowed, but the problem starts when he has been blessed by a yog guru and has also had his experiences of the subtler worlds but because of his thinking [negative] brain, he starts to find faults in his guru and gets stuck to what he thinks is incorrect; he takes the role of his guru’s guru. Then onwards it is a downward spiral which takes him to the lower dimensions.
I want to warn the reader here that a guru has to be distinguished from a guide, teacher, astrologer, physical fitness trainer or a katha vachak. A guru is all this and beyond. He does not try to feed your ego or tries to please you, he shows you the truth which, in majority of cases, people do not want to see so they falter and let go of the guru’s hand.
It is only your guru who will give you the experience of the higher dimensions and will take you beyond. He will not entertain you by cracking jokes, but he will definitely take you on the path to salvation provided you want that.
The spirit has no other way to break the bondages. So one must search for a guru who takes you beyond, not for someone who keeps you enthralled by tall talks of phenomenal physical success and entertains you, but someone who shows you the mirror so that you correct your defects and then go beyond. One must not get into yog or meet a guru for entertainment and good health, it is foolish to go to meet your guru on weekends when you have nothing else to do, the burning desire for yog must be 24x7. Yog is the final frontier and a journey into the higher dimensions. If you have the desire to experience more of the physical and also want to do yog, then also you can, but you must be prepared to experience what the guru gives you and then ready to move beyond.