Mystic Mantra: The incredible creator
The Lord has immeasurable and inconceivable knowledge, power, qualities and capabilities.

Every effect must have a cause. The very presence of the effect proves the existence of the cause — whether seen or unseen. In this world every product and production is seen to have a producer. A book has an author, a dance sequence has a choreographer, a song has a lyricist and a drama has a script-writer. At the end of a movie — however bad — there is a whole list of people who are acknowledged — producer, director, photographer, editor and so on. When we see a beautiful building or a painting, we immediately ask, “Who is the architect?” “Who is the artist?”
Will there not be a creator for this creation? An action is inert by its very nature; it must have a sentient “doer” or the action. A karma must have a karta. Sitaji was sitting under the Ashoka tree in Ravan’s Lanka, in deep grief. She heard someone describing the glories of Lord Ram, the very joy of her heart. Music to her ears, she asked the singer to present himself and so Hanuman appeared before her. We may not see the composer of a song, but we know that he or she exists. Similarly, we may not see the creator, but when we experience his magnificent creation, how can we deny his existence?
The potter who makes the pot must have the knowledge and power to make the pot. The creator of the infinite world must have infinite knowledge and power. Therefore, the intelligent or sentient creator of this universe is the omniscient and omnipotent Lord. The part, however big, is smaller than the whole. The finite individual, however great, strong of knowledgeable is a dot of nothing in comparison to the Lord. It is indeed laughable that the finite individual denies the existence of the infinite Lord. It is like the wave that emerges, exists and merges into the ocean, denying the existence of the ocean.
The Lord has immeasurable and inconceivable knowledge, power, qualities and capabilities. He can create — with or without a body — anybody and everybody. Once a scientist told God, “You have been creating tirelessly since beginning time. Now science has advanced. We are capable of even cloning a human being. So you can retire.” The Lord agreed, but asked the scientist to prove his capability by creating a pot. When the scientist started taking the available clay, the Lord said, “Hold on. First make your own clay!”
Scientists can only clone a living being from a living cell and not inert matter. They can neither create the fundamental matter and energy, nor create nature’s laws. It is the Lord who creates this incredible universe and the laws that govern it.