The spiritual laws of life
For the longest time, science told us that we lived in a fragmented, random Universe.

In between, we whirl through our lives alone and disconnected, trying to make the most of this meaningless life.
The wonder is, we bought it. How could we have even remotely believed that this beautiful Planet Earth, which answers to precise physical laws, could have sprung into life accidentally? Look at the temperature and conditions needed to nurture life, which no other known planet has. Look at the fabulous way water condenses to form clouds which then rain over our part of the world precisely during the monsoon season. Look at the way the earth converts mud and water into an astounding array of food. Look at the way the cow eats grass at one end and produces milk at the other. Look at the miraculous way life forms in the womb out of just one cell. Life on Planet Earth is an endless parade of wonders for those who have the eyes to see or a mind to think.
What is true of the Planet is also true of life itself. The only difference is that life answers to spiritual laws, not physical ones.
What are these laws?
The law of unity and divinity. It is as the Vedas said it. Aham brahmasmi. Our entire universe is part of the Creator and that includes us. We are made of Divine stuff. And so is everyone and everything. This means we are connected to everyone and everything, which includes the furthest atom in the outermost reaches of the universe. What does it mean in practical terms? It means that we cannot hurt others without injuring ourselves. We cannot destroy the environment without damaging our own health or the health of our children. We cannot give bribes and destroy the systems without weakening our own welfare. In our own best interests we need to focus on the larger good. Instead of making choices that conflict with the larger good as we routinely do, like manipulating the legal system to do business, or indulging in black money, or selfishly spending all that we earn on alcohol without a care for our family, we need to do what works for all.
The law of attraction. Like attracts like. Whatever we draw into our lives is here by the vibrations we put out. Negative thoughts, words and deeds have a lower, grosser vibration with guilt, shame and fear right at the bottom. Positive states of mind vibrate at a higher level. Peace love, gratitude and joy have the highest vibration.
So if we want to know what our vibration is, we need to look at our lives. Lots of relationship issues, difficulties, struggles, unhappiness? Well, perhaps you are going through a negative phase. Happiness, peace and expansion, great health and relationships? Your vibes are high.
This law tells us we only are responsible for our lives. Not a malignant fate, not the genes you inherited from your parents, not a black cat crossing your path, not the manipulations of your colleagues. We have drawn everything into our lives by our own thoughts, words and acts. We are not the victims we thought we were. In fact, we could potentially be victors. Because if we change our vibrations, we can change our destiny.
We will explore the other laws in the next column.
Meanwhile chew on these and see if they resonate with your own life.
The writer is former editor-in-chief of Life Positive magazine and founder, facilitator of the Zen of Good Writing Course. Contact her at