Pleasure to the Wandering eyes
The evolution and growth of India Art Fair offers visitors a unique view of the strength and breadth of a diverse nation's visual craft scene.

The 11th edition of the India Art Fair has amalgamated galleries, collectors and artists from across South Asia where the leading platform presented a facade diverse artistic work collected and displayed from 75 exhibitors from 24 Indian and international cities. The fair was held from 31st January and has ended yesterday after receiving overwhelming success critically and economically. Evolution and expansion of the fair offers visitors unique access to the breadth and strength of India's thriving visual art scene. The fair also continues its strong tradition of presenting important work by the region's leading modernists.
Vikram Bhachhawat talks about the yearly event and says, "This yearly event is something that we look forward to. It is a huge exposure for artist as well as the art collectors. Not only do they fly in from across the country but as well from all across of the South Asian countries. There is different segregated galleries represent different kind of artwork as well as different galleries."
Mihir Thakur, an exhibitor coming from the financial capital of the nation, expresses his enthusiasm about showcasing his artwork and voices, "We are basically an institute who believe in public art. We believe that art is for everyone and so we wanted to take art outside the four white walls. We do a lot of street arts but not the typical Bombay Graffiti." Mihir goes on and speaks up about how the art fair is indiscriminate towards all, "We work in three stages: We do walls, we create the streaks ands then we do festivals. This booth is all about the work that we have done in the last five years, some of it at least. The fair has galleries as well as space for institutes so that everyone gets some recognition. We are part of the same eco-system. So it is not only about buying or selling, but it is about marking a trend. We are not an exception either. People already know us a bit as we move around a lot. But this makes it more legit as the works are getting larger audience and viewers. That's all"
Shanthamani Muddaiah,an artist and exhibitor in the fair, comments on the role that Indian Art Fair plays in any artist's life and what she expects from the fair, "The Indian Art fair offers a huge number of viewers, a lot of people who are interested and can review me about my work. These great exchanges, I belief, is really great for me as an artist. You should listen to what people or rather viewers have to say and it helps and at some point leads you to your next work. She also talks about the organizer's and praises the way the fair has been designed this year, "I came to the Indian art fair after 4 years and am kind of liking the way it is spread around and the layout this time. The way they have arranged the booth and all that you get to feel the space. We being in South get a huge opportunity to come here every year to showcase our work to a larger audience. Otherwise we are isolated to some extend. This gives a great platform to those who come from unconventional background."
The fair is committed to supporting arts education and professional development opportunities, recognising the crucial need to support the development of the local arts scene, and provide dedicated exhibition space to emerging galleries and arts organisations.
The fair aims to carry on to run an extensive programme of events, including education initiatives, artist commissions and pop-up programmes, aiming to increase audiences for the arts within India.