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  Life   Fashion  28 Jan 2017  Clothes don’t make the man

Clothes don’t make the man

Published : Jan 28, 2017, 12:18 am IST
Updated : Jan 28, 2017, 6:34 am IST

Petr Nitka who takes to the ramp as the first gender-neutral model at LFW talks about fashion beyond stereotypes.

Petr Nitka
 Petr Nitka

Earlier this year, Manny Gutierrez made headlines as the first male model to endorse women’s cosmetic brand Maybelline. Now, for the first time in the country, a male model will walk the ramp for Lakme Fashion Week for a women’s line. In a candid chat, Czechoslovakia’s first gender-neutral model Petr Nitka (23) talks about fashion without boundaries, androgynous fashion and how gender is incidental.  

What’s the big fuss about gender?
“For me being gender neutral is a state when you feel equally good as a man or a woman. It does not mean you need to change your sex or take hormones. I don’t think I am a confused person, I just feel great as a gender-neutral person — that’s the best position for me. I have always loved fashion. When I was a kid, I was sad because I couldn’t wear makeup, and clothes that I used to like. I have wanted to be a model all my life, but soon I realised that I am too small and skinny to be a male model. Today I am very happy that I can walk the ramp as gender-neutral model,” says Petr who recently walked the ramp as a first gender-neutral model in Africa.

The Calling
Petr’s first brush with modelling was in Australia where he went to study English. He says, “I met photographer Bharathan Gangatheran in Perth and we did a photo shoot. His images were published in a fashion magazine. After I saw those pictures, I realised that I am not a typical model. After that I did many more shoots and started getting famous in my country as the first gender-neutral model. Since then, I have been proud to say that I am finally, the ‘first’ something.”

Being different
Luckily for Petr, his family and friends have always known that he is different and have been supportive of his dreams. “My mother is my best friend. She likes my job and the way I do my work,” says Petr who looks at his personality as an advantage in the work line. “I see only the positive. I don’t want to see anything else. I don’t want to change anything in my life. Modelling is perhaps the best way to realise and promote my opinions. I am a model, but I am also a person — a different person. I am happy to be in the media because then, I can show others that being different — gay, lesbian or trans — is absolutely fine,” he adds.

Fashion’s gender bender
Petr endorses androgynous fashion. He sports a men’s line and women’s line with equal ease and oomph on the ramp. His personal sense of style however is inclined towards the feminine side. “I have always loved wearing unisex clothes. But I am skinny and it is difficult for me to find male clothes. Therefore, I prefer simple fashion clothes of women. I like skinny jeans and tops. I feel better when I wear women’s wear because to be honest, I feel I look strange wearing men’s wear on a regular day,” he shares.

The big fat Indian closet
Petr’s dream is to become the first gender-neutral model in the countries where homosexuality is illegal — which is why India makes for a great runway.  “I would like to change the way people see the LGBT community and women.  With my modelling, I want to show that different sexual orientations exist. This is the right time to destroy prejudices and stereotypes about races, sexual orientation, religions, gender, minorities and women. That is why I approached LFW.  Indian fashion is amazing. It’s so different as compared to fashion from other countries. I really love Indian designers like Manish Malhotra - I would love to walk for him. Even Manish Arora and a few others. I like the colours that are used in the Indian style of clothes.

The message
Petr has a message for all those who want to experiment with fashion but are not sure how to go about it. “The most important thing is being brave, open-minded and always be yourself. Never give up! Never give up as great things take time. You know, there is always someone who says — You can’t do this, you are not good enough… Do not listen to them. Never!”

Tags: lakme fashion week, fashion, petr nitka