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  India   All India  27 Feb 2019  PM Modi inaugurates world’s largest Gita after strikes

PM Modi inaugurates world’s largest Gita after strikes

Published : Feb 27, 2019, 2:42 am IST
Updated : Feb 27, 2019, 2:42 am IST

Dubbed as the ‘Astounding Bhagavad Gita’, the book is billed as the “largest principle sacred text ever to be printed.”

Prime Minister Narendra Modi interacts with  commuters in the Delhi Metro on Tuesday. (Photo: PTI)
 Prime Minister Narendra Modi interacts with commuters in the Delhi Metro on Tuesday. (Photo: PTI)

NEW DELHI: Hours after the Indian Air Force (IAF) killed a “very large number of terrorists” at a Jaish-e-Moha-mmed camp across the border in Balakot, Prime Minister Narendra Modi got off his armoured car to travel to a ISKCON temple event in south Delhi.

In a short video of the trip released by a news agency, Mr Modi was seen being greeted by people. A young man greeted him by touching his feet, many others came to pose for photographs with him.

At the event, Mr Modi inaugurated the world’s largest Bhagavad Gita, measuring 2.8 meters and weighing 800 kg.

Speaking at the event, Mr Modi didn’t make any direct reference to airs-trikes at the Jaish camp across the Line of Control (LoC). However, he spoke about many lessons of the Bhagwad Gita such as saving the earth from devils and enemies of humanity, among others. “This is the message that we are trying to give,” he said.

Dubbed as the ‘Astounding Bhagavad Gita’, the book is billed as the “largest principle sacred text ever to be printed.”  Speaking about the holy book of Hindus, Mr Modi urged people to not be divisive and asked them to look beyond feelings of “yours and mine.” In a veiled reference to Pakistan, Mr Modi said “In order to save the earth from enemies of humanity, the God’s power has always been with us… And we are trying to send across this message with proof to evil souls and devils.”

Tags: indian air force, narendra modi, iskcon temple