
Durgesh Agarwal empowering children's growth with a distinctive approach

It is the determination and unified effort of Usha Agarwal and Durgesh Agarwal that took DCCI beyond the comprehensive educational curve

Developing Children for the Future is what best describes Durgesh Child Care Initiative (DCCI).

An integrated children’s services organization within the ambit of DA Group (India), DCCI is Committed towards the well-being of Children. It is the steadfast vision of Mrs. Usha Agarwal and Mr. Durgesh Agarwal that ensured integrated programs across various domains of Child Growth & Development.

The Organization aims to provide and support environment where children are safe, nurtured and respected. DCCI is known for creating programs and activities that look after the well-being, growth and development of children in a scientific yet holistic manner.


Mrs. Usha Agarwal who has dedicated 14 years of her life to Global International School. Consequently, spent 3 years of research on early childhood. All these years contributed immensely to shape her knowledge about child learning and she learned that formative years play a crucial role in laying a solid foundation.

Later, one of her visits to Ambaji was an awakening call which made her realize the importance and significance of education in Rural and Urban parts of the country. Ever since then she has been trying to create a pathway to transform children into responsible individuals for the developing nation by focusing on their education, healthcare and empowerment.

It is the determination and unified effort of Mrs. Usha Agarwal and Mr. Durgesh Agarwal that has taken DCCI beyond the comprehensive educational curve.


Acknowledging the evolving technology DCCI prominently offers play based learning and assessment platform along with customized course ware and engaging learning experiences that aim to transform the learning landscape. The innovative play based learning is proficiently driven by Critical Thinking, Data Inference, Communication, Problem Solving and Decision making to deal with changing landscape of professional choices.

To make learning Fun, Personalized and Adaptive DCCI yields learning inputs in bite sized doses to prevent information over load and boredom through its subordinate institutes Little Wings Holistic Childhood Centre and Toy Joy Tales.

Little Wings Holistic Childhood Center

Little Wings preschool and Day care programs are designed to encourage children’s inquisitiveness and love for learning through various creative play-based learning methods. LWHCC Provides an enriching environment where children can actively participate in various games and activities to acquire meaningful information.

The various program offer children age-appropriate activities and games that pose a challenge and stimulate their curiosity thereby building a strong foundation for kids to become strong, confident humans and achieve an unprecedented level of physical, social, emotional and cognitive development.

Toy Joy Tales

Toy Joy Tales (TJT) is an innovative learning centre committed for creating engaging, enjoyable, and deeply meaningful learning experiences with a belief that learning is an active process and not just transmission of pre-packaged information.

Having touched more than 10,000 families over a span of 2 years , Toy Joy Tales is inspired from best practices in early years of teaching and learning, with a focus on developing important attributes of Resilience,empathy, willingness to learn,self esteem and growth in children.

Children’s right to play is central to their value structure with a belief that children can achieve their true potential is an environment that piques their curiosity, leads them on a journey of exploration and provides them with warmth and wonder.

DCCI’S yet another flagship educational programme under its aims to impart education to children who have been begging at Ambaji, Banaskanta District, Gujarat due to various social and Economic constraints.

The programme attempts to mentor children from marginalized families and provide them with supplementary education. The idea is to ensure that these children not only complete their education but equip themselves to break the vicious circle of poverty which is only possible when these children get quality education that results in gainful employment.

SSSK today supports about 400 students and aims to extend the programme to educate 2000 students by 2022 in its owned school building.

Celebrating the strength of every individual, group, family and community - DA Group and DCCI have been contributing to the well-being of the environment and society we live in.

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