Quantico heat on Priyanka Chopra
In the age of social media we are accustomed to trolling and extremes of opinion.

India got very angry with Priyanka Chopra. She is being trolled brutally for her part as Alex Parrish, an FBI agent, in an episode of Quantico 3 titled Blood of Romeo in which she foils a Hindu plot of a nuclear attack on Manhattan to frame Pakistan. The show is fictional and has been dealing with subjects like terrorism and FBI’s battle against it. So intense was the reaction from Indian Twitterati that the Disney-owned ABC channel issued an apology pointing out that PC “didn’t create the show, nor does she write or direct it”. The irony is the show has been cancelled because of low ratings in US.
In the age of social media we are accustomed to trolling and extremes of opinion. But never could the backlash against an Indian celebrity actress have been so fierce with critics basing their views on PC earning money from acting in such a show. Many did spring to her defence saying the show is fictional. It was also pointed out that Muslims are routinely portrayed as terrorists in the medium of films. Quick to take offence at such stereotypical portrayal of their community, the Muslims are known to frequently express their resentment.
This is the first occasion on which the Hindus are taking offence in a loud manner, with PC bearing the brunt of public anger. Much emotion has been stirred up by dealing with the difficult subject of terrorism. The one ineluctable fact about terrorism is it has no religion.
Trump’s Muslim travel ban was really aided by a vast culture of Islamophobic entertainment. An example of which, I think, is Homeland. So, in Homeland, all the good people are white and all the bad people are not, and when Homeland wants to portray a white person as bad, all they’ve got to do is have him convert to Islam, and anytime they want you to suspect sergeant Nick Brody of anything devious, all he’s got to do is look sideways at a Quran or pray, which is something 2 billion Muslims do five times a day, but it’s enough for him just to mutilate a few Arabic words and we’re scared.
I just want to say that I doubt the equivalent film called ‘Iraqi Sniper’ would have gotten as many Oscar nominations as American Sniper. In Rambo 3, he is to rescue a captured while at the same time arming the brave Mujahideen fighters of Afghanistan or as you know them today, the Taliban. Cinema is powerful but it’s not innocent.
Fatima Bhutto’s
(niece of Benazir Bhutto) speech on Cinema and Propaganda
Sameera Khan@SameeraKhan
Apparently, the latest episode of Priyanka Chopra's #Quantico depicts Hindutva terrorists staging an attack in Manhattan to frame #Pakistan. And Modi Bros are throwing a collective hissy fit. Absolutely hilarious!
Sumit kadel @SumitkadeI
M proud of myself that till today i have not watched even a single episode of #Quantico . Producers of the show has apologized but our nation will never forgive you. Priyanka chopra you made your country proud. Congratulations
Kinjal Patel@kinjalpatelguj
I don’t see an apology here. Where is an apology? All they did is try to clear Priyanka, ABC and their kins. What are you celebrating for? Did they take down the episode? Did they take down the Quantico? Did they fired the writer, director ?
This is how Priyanka Chopra repays us for making her top Bollywood star- by not protesting against Hindus being shown as terrorists in serial Quantico starring her in lead role. Shame on you #PriyankaChopra
Anshul Saxena@ AskAnshul
Josh Safran, Quantico’s showrunner, said that Major rule of Quantico is that it never features a Muslim terrorist. So, Is that why they featured Hindu Terrorist? I think Priyanka Chopra could asked for script changes because She’d already changed some dialogues in Quantico before
Jagrati Shukla @JagratiShukla29
ABC apologises to Indians for Hindu Nationalist Terror Plot portrayed in Quantico. What's holding Priyanka Chopra back from Apologising?Sell outs like her are an insult to India.She consciously consented for the act.Shame. More power to India & Indians #JaiHind #Quantico
Ravi Kant@LegalKant
Apology of #Quantico is non-issue Fact that @priyankachopra agreed to a script that defamed Indians and Hindu beliefs can neither be forgotten nor forgiven Our hunger for professional success is not a license to compromise on inetgrity This deserve criticism and action
Sir Ravindra Jadeja @SirJadejaaaa
#Quantico Shows Hindu Men With Rudraksh, Identified As #Indian Nationalists Planning A Nuclear Attack With Knowledge Of Indian Govt To Frame “Innocent” #Pakistan. Who Are Funding These #AntiIndiaGang? Why Is Priyanka Chopra Supporting Them? Money>Nation?
Kartik Kapoor@PCsFanKartik
Dear @priyankachopra, Don't even think of apologising for this Quantico mess. You don't need to give any apology. It’s NOT your fault, never was. Love #PCMANIACS And also @AsYouNotWish needs to be slapped as do all these nationalists. #WeStandByPriyanka
This is so stupid, IT’S FICTION FOR GOODNESS SAKES!! Now networks have to apologize for make believe stories.