Running during teenage years keeps dementia at bay later
Study says people who run in their teens are far less likely to develop dementia later in their lives.

A new study reveals that people who take up running during their teenage years are less likely to develop dementia later in life.
The study is based on the hypothesis that jogging stimulates the brain and preserves memories.
The research conducted by the University of Toronto has shown that the effects of jogging are strikingly more powerful if people take up the habit during their formative years.
The team, which conducted the experiments on rats, found a long-term improvement in learning and memory in those that were given access to a running wheel from birth.
Experts say the study's results should be a red flag to all of us that our habits in our teens and 20s could impact our brain health later on.
Lead author of the study Martin Wojtowicz says that running is known to enhance cognitive function in animals and humans.
The findings are consistent with the idea of cognitive reserve, whereby the brain draws on enriching experiences from youth to compensate for functional declines as a result of age or disease.
While, it may not be a new idea with the University of Arizona showing last year that an early-morning jog can rejuvenate neurons in the brain, the study is the first of its kind to outline a clear timeline of running’s impact over the years, showing that early-life running is beneficial.