
UK: 16-week-old baby tortured to death by couple

In his defence, Wiltshire, who fathered 25 children, denied the allegations and stated that 'I'm not a life taker, I'm a baby maker .

London: A 25-year-old woman along with her live-in partner, who has fathered 25 children, had allegedly tortured their 16-week old daughter to death and tried to fake the baby’s death on a bus.

According to report in a Daily Mail, the matter which is heard in Central Criminal Court, both Baker and her partner Jeffrey Wiltshire, 52, was cleared of murder on Friday but found guilty of causing or allowing the death of 16-week-old Imani.

The 52-year-old man, Jeffrey Wiltshire, was seen giving thumbs up as good luck gesture to Rosalin Baker as she boarded a London bus with her baby.

Baker, for at least 20 minutes was seen captured talking on phone and messaging on the CCTV cameras on the bus without paying any attention to the baby, whose face was concealed. Subsequently, Baker beckoned co-passengers for the help, saying that her baby has been inactive.

One of the co-passenger who raced to help found Imani had already stopped breathing and her face was 'ice cold'.

Meanwhile, a crowd had already approached Baker with an another passenger trying to give dead baby CPR. But she found Imani’s lips cold.

Realising that the baby’s health was critical, the bus was then diverted to a where the doctors pronounced her dead.

Upon inspecting the baby, doctors found that Imani had a fractured skull and serious head injuries, along with more than 40 other fractures.

During trial, Baker blamed her drug addict partner Jeffrey Wiltshire, 52, for tortured of her daughter, who is always been high on heroine and cocaine.

In his defence, Wiltshire, who fathered 25 children, denied the allegations and stated that “'I'm not a life taker, I'm a baby maker”.

Prosecutor Duncan Atkinson during an argument said Imani was in 'very significant pain and distress', which would have been obvious to any parent.

Atkinson further added that Wiltshire and Baker, who lived on benefits, attempted to hide what happened at home by making it appear she had suddenly been taken ill on bus.

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