
Saudi foreign minister promises truth from Khashoggi probe

Minister pledged that mechanisms will be put in place so that 'something like this can never happen again.'

Jakarta: Saudi Arabia's foreign minister says the investigation into the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi will produce the truth about what happened.

He also pledged that mechanisms will be put in place so that "something like this can never happen again." Adel al-Jubeir spoke on Tuesday in Indonesia, just hours before Turkey's president was expected to detail his own country's findings.

Al-Jubeir says Saudi Arabia is committed to ensuring "that the investigation is thorough and complete and that the truth is revealed and that those responsible will be held to account."

Saudi Arabia has acknowledged that Kashoggi died on Oct. 2, during a visit to the kingdom's consulate in Istanbul. It maintains he died in a fistfight. Turkish officials say the 59-year-old was attacked and killed by a 15-man Saudi team.

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