Israel condemned over Gaza violence by 120 countries at UN
An amendment presented by the US condemning Hamas for 'inciting violence' did not garner the required two-thirds majority and was rejected.

United Nations: The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) has adopted by a strong majority of 120 countries an Arab-backed resolution condemning Israel for Palestinian deaths in Gaza and rejected a United States bid to put the blame on Hamas.
At least 129 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli fire during protests near the border with Gaza that began at the end of March. No Israelis have died.
The resolution put forward by Algeria and Turkey on behalf of Arab and Muslim countries won 120 votes in the 193-member assembly on Wednesday, with 8 votes against and 45 abstentions.
An amendment presented by the United States condemning Hamas for "inciting violence" along the border with Gaza failed to garner the two-thirds majority needed for adoption.
Addressing the assembly, US Ambassador Nikki Haley dismissed the resolution as biased against Israel and accused Arab countries of trying to score political points at home by seeking to condemn Israel at the United Nations.
"For some, attacking Israel is their favourite political sport. That's why we are here today," said Haley. "I wish everyone supporting this one-sided resolution would put as much energy into encouraging President Abbas to the negotiating table," she said.
The resolution deplored Israel's use of "excessive, disproportionate and indiscriminate force" against Palestinian civilians and called for protection measures for Palestinians in Gaza and the occupied West Bank.