
Zuckerberg plans to be ‘Tony Stark’

Facebook founder, Mark Zuckerberg has been aspiring to build an AI assistant like “Jarvis” from the famous action movie series Iron Man for a while now.

Facebook founder, Mark Zuckerberg has been aspiring to build an AI assistant like “Jarvis” from the famous action movie series Iron Man for a while now. As ambitious as this project sounds, he and his team has been at it since last one year.

The project seems like it is working out as Mark wanted and it will possibly be in its first stage soon.

Zuckerberg announced on August 29 that he hopes to finally demo a “butler” powered by an artificial intelligence (AI) next month. “One of the challenges was to build an AI system to help me control my home and my work, and the other was to run an average of one mile a day. It turns out that one of those challenges was a lot easier than the other,” Zuckerberg said in a town hall event in Italy.

He further added that he has successfully programmed his Al butler to open the gate to his house by simply scanning his face. He can also control the lights inside and adjust the temperature by simply using his voice. He also wishes to build an assistant that would let him control music, lights and temperature in his house using nothing but his voice. We can only wait and watch for Zuckerberg's vision to unfold. It looks like Mark is inspired by Iron Man’s Tony Stark who built Jarvis for helping him out.

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