Manhattan district attorney, law officials push for encryption legislation
Calling it an issue of victims' rights, the Manhattan district attorney urged Congress to pass legislation that would require tech companies to give law enforcement a way to access information on encrypted phones and other devices.
Cyrus Vance Jr. said that while the debate over encryption has centered on issues of privacy and national security, the implications go far beyond that.
The Manhattan district attorney's office currently has 230 phones involved in cases that it has warrants to search, but can't access the information inside.
-"There are victims of crime, survivors of crime, that are waiting for the Senate to lead and find a way forward, so we can access key evidence that now resides on smartphones that cannot be opened,-" Vance said Monday on the steps of New York's City Hall.
A Senate bill now being drafted would effectively prohibit unbreakable encryption and require companies to help the government access data on a computer or mobile device with a warrant.
The bill is being finalized by the chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Sen. Richard Burr, R-N.C., and the top Democrat, Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California. But it remains unclear when the bill will be introduced.
Tech companies, civil liberties groups and some members of Congress, have railed against the draft, saying that it would effectively require the companies to create -"back doors-" into encrypted devices and undermine security for everyone.
Standing near Vance were the mother and sister of Brittney Mills, 29, who was gunned down in her Baton Rouge, Louisiana, home in April 2015. Mills was pregnant at the time. Doctors delivered the baby, but he died days later.
The case remains unsolved, but investigators say clues to the murder might be uncovered from the woman's iPhone. According to Mills' friends and family, she kept a diary on her phone where she detailed her thoughts and feelings, East Baton Rouge District Attorney Hillar Moore said.