
Chinese firm recalls webcams used to hijack Twitter, Spotify

The incident put major websites across the internet offline on October 21 for more than two hours.

The incident put major websites across the internet offline on October 21 for more than two hours.

China-based electronic company Hangzhou Xiongmai has announced to recall its webcams that proved to be a gate way to launch widespread online attack last week.

The incident put major websites across the internet, including Twitter, Spotify, Reddit, PayPal, Pinterest and Fox news offline via DDoS (distributed denial-of service) attack on Dyn website which serves to direct traffic when people type a URL in browser.

During the investigation security experts confirmed that the attack was made possible using home devices with easy-to-guess usernames and passwords. As a result, hackers were able to access these devices because users never changed the default passwords.

Xiongmai had rejected the allegations that its webcams, in majority, contributed to the online disruption occurred on October 21. In a statement to BBC, the company said security issues have become a problem faced by all mankind, industry giants have experienced and so Xiongmai is not afraid to experience the issue in once.

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