
Amazon slapped $84,000 fine for shipping Li-ion batteries by air

The retailer was found guilty during a trial at Southwark Crown Court for violating UK civil aviation rule.

The retailer was found guilty during a trial at Southwark Crown Court for violating UK civil aviation rule.

Amazon has been slapped with a fine to the tune of USD 84,000 in an attempt to ship dangerous lithium-ion batteries and flammable aerosol goods on passenger planes.

The retailer was found guilty during a trial at Southwark Crown Court for violating UK civil aviation rule “causing dangerous goods to be delivered for carriage in an aircraft.”

The online shipping giant Amazon, based in UK, was convicted under the Air Navigation (Dangerous Goods) Regulations 2002. The company has also been ordered to pay the CAA 60,000 euros in legal costs, reported arstechnica.

According to a report by Press Association, the retailer was attempting to ship three batteries, a can of Dove deodorant and a Tresemme hair mousse on passenger flights destined within and outside UK in four shipments. The order for the items was placed between November 2013 and June 2015.

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