
TED to release annual conference as a movie

Next week, for the first time, the non-profit organization known simply as TED, which promotes transformative ideas through talks, is presenting the opening night of its annual conference in cinemas w

Next week, for the first time, the non-profit organization known simply as TED, which promotes transformative ideas through talks, is presenting the opening night of its annual conference in cinemas worldwide.

Until now, videos of TED conferences were only available for streaming a month after taking place. This year, for TED 2016: Dream, taking place in Vancouver, Canada February 15-19, the first day's talks will debut live in North American movie theaters on February 15 and be shown in the rest of the world on February 16.

What is TED TED is a non-profit devoted to promoting ideas through global conferences. With the slogan “ideas worth spreading,” its aim is to provide thinkers and visionaries with a platform to get their ideas out around the world. TED began in 1984 as a one-time conference covering Technology, Entertainment and Design (TED).

What's discussed Today conferences and talks address almost any topic and take place throughout the year. Speakers are usually given about 20 minutes or less to present their ideas, which are meant to inspire and transform the world in some way. The $1 million TED prize is awarded every year to a leader with a vision for sparking global change.

Topics presented range from “How I'm discovering the secrets of ancient texts,” to “Economic Growth: has it stalled. Let's fix it”, “How we'll fight the next deadly virus” or even “can a computer write poetry.”

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