
Running out of space turn to Notion AI

Notion AI aims at improving communication by prioritising on what matters most to the users

Notion AI aims at improving communication by prioritising on what matters most to the users

Having trouble with the diminishing space on your mailbox How about letting an artificial intelligence powered technology clear up the space Here’s where ‘Notion AI’ comes into the picture.

The product description says that ‘Notion is a communications intelligence company out to solve communications overload once and for all.’ It is a startup launched this week at Ann Arbor, Michigan and aims at providing better email experience by prioritising the messages that are most important to the user. It is currently available as a mobile app for iPhone and Android, and soon as a voice-activated skill for Alexa.

Notion was co-founded in 2013 by the team that previously co-founded data backup company, BitLeap. For CEO Guy Suter, along with technical co-founders Lindsay Snider and Ian Berry, the idea behind Notion began when the founders started facing inbox overload. “My cofounders and I are entrepreneurs at heart. We saw a problem, so we sought out the best way to solve it,” said Suter.

So how does this work As mentioned before, Notion functions on the concept of email ‘prioritisation’. Although there are plenty of email apps that focus on ‘zero inbox’, what makes Notion stand apart is its use of Artificial Intelligence for the purpose. Gmail and Outlook also use the ‘prediction’ feature. Notion however, also analyses the relationships involved in the user's email communications in order to predict what’s important. It goes without saying that Notion will require access to personal information but on the positive side it is transparent about the data it collects.

The company promises that the larger vision of Notion AI will take its functions beyond the email.

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