Bengaluru city to host hackathon for moms returning from maternal leaves
The first-of-its-kind event will take place on December 14th and December 15th 2019 at Crediwatch's Office in Jayanagar, Bangalore

Crediwatch, a Bengaluru based TechFin company building AI/ML tools to help the financial services industry reduce credit, has announced that it will hold sHeACK – a two-day hackathon for ‘returning moms’. Aimed at women techies who’ve returned to the workforce after maternity leaves, the first-of-its-kind event will take place on December 14th and December 15th 2019 at Crediwatch’s Office in Jayanagar, in the city. The hackathon is open to mothers with 3+ years of past work experience in the technology domain.
The opening day of sHeACK will begin with a keynote presentation, introducing the concept and various rounds of the competition to the participants. The prizes will also be revealed during the keynote talk, after which participants will be asked to brainstorm and find solutions to a set of problems. The hackathon will continue on the 2nd day with another introductory session, followed by presentations, feedback from judges, the announcement of winners and the prize ceremony. Adding to the fun, both days of the event will include lunch and snacks on-the house, along with group photo sessions.
A part of Crediwatch’s women-empowerment initiative, sHeACK is going to serve as a platform for returning moms who code to showcase their problem-solving skills. It will also help them take a break from their hectic schedules.
Having provided insights on 50,000+ businesses and loans worth over 7 billion USD worth loans till date, Crediwatch has successfully established itself as a nimble and high-potential start-up within the domain within a very short period. Leading financial institutions like SBI, KVB and RBL Bank and NBFCs like ABFL and Capital Float subscribe to Crediwatch’s Insights platform and Early Warning Signals to better manage their credit on a more dynamic basis.
-- Press Release--