You Searched For "smokers"
Eating green leafy vegetables may reduce stroke risk: study
28 Jan 2018 6:53 AM GMT
Drinking hot tea can increase risk of oesophageal cancer
The risks to smokers also increase with high-temperature tea drinking.
12 Feb 2018 8:15 AM GMT
Why people want to quit e-cigarettes
Most e-cigarette users want to quit, study suggests.
26 May 2019 6:10 AM GMT
Regular exercise slows down ageing: study
10 March 2018 12:59 PM GMT
Hookah behind half of tobacco smoking in young: study
This is why smoke loads can be so large for hookah users, even if they use infrequently.
17 May 2018 9:54 AM GMT
Smokers have lesser odds of surviving prostate cancer
6 Jun 2018 2:52 PM GMT
Risk of cancer in women increased by exposure to artificial light
Researchers say artificial light could work by blocking a hormone that helps stave off the disease.
18 Aug 2017 9:41 AM GMT