
World's first single-use plastic free passenger flight takes off

The flight took off on Wednesday from Lisbon to Natale, Brazil, without a single piece of single-use plastic on board.

If you observe closely, the amount of single-use plastic on a passenger airline is enough to contribute significantly to global pollution. Portuguese airline Hi Fly decided to bring about a change by introducing single-use plastic free flight.

The flight took off on Wednesday from Lisbon to Natale, Brazil, without a single piece of single-use plastic on board. There were no plastic cups, plastic silverware, plastic cocktail stirrer, and plastic food containers, Fast Company reported.

Although this was only a test run for the company hoping to completely ban single-use plastic from all its flights in 2019, more test runs like these will see plastic containers and cutlery replaced with more natural bamboo cutlery, compostable containers, and other items made of plant-based, renewable, low-carbon or recycled materials.

Other airlines such as Air New Zealand and Alaska Airlines are also following similar approaches to reduce their plastic usage onboard.


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