
Urjit Patel to up the Indian Economy

The new RBI Governor, Urjit Patel has an enviable profile, with tremendous potential and capabilities.

The new RBI Governor, Urjit Patel has an enviable profile, with tremendous potential and capabilities. With a Bachelor’s degree from the London School of Economics, M.Phil from the Oxford University and a Doctorate from the Yale University, the bespectacled gentleman has held many important positions in various high-level committees. His appointment as the next ‘Big Boss’ of India’s central economic machinery has been well received by the masses and one must wait to see how he will fare, when he takes over from Raghuram Rajan in September this year. Ganesha looks into Patel’s horoscope to give an overview about his probable performance.

[Owing to the unavailability of credible birth-time of Urjit Patel, the analysis and predictions have been done on the basis of the Solar Chart/ Surya Kundli with the help of his birth date and birthplace only.]

The Astrological Recipe for Urjit’s Ascension: Wonderful planetary configurations in his Solar Chart explain Urjit’s ascension to RBI Governor. The Lord of the 2nd house of finance — Mars is placed in its own sign, and is receiving the aspect of Jupiter, which is also placed in its own sign. Moon, the lord of the 10th House of honour and governmental position is placed in the 5th house. Also, four essential planets are placed in their own signs.

The Ambitious Patel: As the Lord of the 10th House is in the 5th House in Urjit’s Chart, he will be a highly ambitious and self-made person. He will find great success in all tasks and endeavours that he takes up. He will gain great fame and respect in his professional life and possess good influence. Also, he will be a good negotiator, with formidable presentation and communication skills.

Sharp Logic and Innovative Abilities – Some Key Strengths Mercury is conjunct with Venus in the Sign of Libra in Urjit’s horoscope, which will help him take excellent decisions. He is most likely to be balanced in his approach. His stars also indicate that he is likely to be inventive and innovative.

The Flipside On the flipside, Urjit’s Natal Sun is debilitated and conjunct with its enemy planet — Venus, leading to some misunderstandings between him and some of the top governmental authorities. He will have to build a good rapport with those in the higher echelons of power. However, Jupiter’s beneficial placement will help him to take smart executive decisions and build cordial relations with government officials and ministers.

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