
This is the end: Abhinav Bindra

Abhinav Bindra’s body language belied any emotions whatsoever on what was the final day of an illustrious career as he made it clear that he was done with the sport and ready to move on to the next ph

Abhinav Bindra’s body language belied any emotions whatsoever on what was the final day of an illustrious career as he made it clear that he was done with the sport and ready to move on to the next phase of his life although he doesn’t know what it is.

Soon to be 34, Bindra maintained that there’s no chance of entering the shooting range again. “I am done, I have announced my retirement, so there is no reconsideration. I am not going to shoot again.”

Bindra has a fully air-conditioned shooting range in their 13-acre sprawling farmhouse. This time to get himself ready for Rio, Bindra replicated the Olympic. So what happens to the shooting range now that he will not step in there “I am converting that into a vegetable garden. Maybe the next time (Tokyo 2020), I will come as a journalist if anybody gives me a job,” he said.

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