Mystic Mantra: God's everlasting love
People normally look in the outer world for love from their parents, siblings, and relatives.

A basic need of every human being is to love and be loved. When psychologists speak of the basic human needs of food, clothing, shelter, and safety they also add the need for love.
People normally look in the outer world for love from their parents, siblings, and relatives. As they grow older, they seek love from their friends; in young adulthood, they seek the love of companions, their spouse, and their children. Unfortunately, sometimes in life, we learn that those loves can be fleeting. Relationships change, children move away, parents die. At some point the loves of this world bring sorrow at their loss.
This loss of love often turns us to God for relief from the suffering. When God hears our cry, God brings us to someone who can show us that we always have a permanent love within us. A master connects us to the love of God, which is eternal.
Spiritual masters who have come through the ages have shown a way to find lasting love. They teach us meditation so we can find God’s love within us. Because we cannot see God with our outer eyes, a spiritual master teaches us how to find God with our inner eye.
When we come to a spiritual path, we experience the love of God. God is not experienced through the intellect. God is love, and the soul within us is also love. To experience God, we have to strip off the layers that keep us from experiencing divine love.
When we go to any worldly lecture by a speaker, we come away with intellectual knowledge. We learn about a certain topic. When we go to a spiritual master, we receive more than intellectual information. While we get the theory of the teachings by word of mouth, we also receive an uplifting experience. That uplifting boost is the energy that pulls our attention up from the body to the eye-focus. A master’s spiritually charged attention stirs us from within so the sensory currents begin withdrawing from awareness of the physical world and our body to awareness of the spiritual realms and our soul. This beautiful experience of divine charging uplifts the soul. We become soaked in the most exquisite love that permeates our whole being. When we get even a taste of that bliss, we want to soar with it until it bathes us completely.
Spiritual bliss pulls our mind from the distractions of the world that keep us from self-knowledge and God-realisation. The magnetising power of God’s love is so strong it fills us with divine intoxication. God’s love is more fulfilling than any of the pursuits of this world.