Mystic Mantra: Be careful of what you wish for
Cosmic forces understand images sent by the sub-conscious mind as signal for our desire.

Many people have experienced in their lives that whatever they were worried of, came true. Whatever they did not want to happen happened. Whatever situation they wanted to avoid, practically appeared before them. Are these experiences mere co-incidences or there is a scientific reason behind their happening?
Most of these unfavourable and unpleasant situations are created by us unconsciously, unwantedly and unknowingly. There is some science behind these happenings and once that is known one can even avoid creating these unwanted situations in life.
Imagine each thought you think as a mental photograph.
When you worry or fear for something, it is first exposed to your brain as an image of an unfavourable situation. As you focus more and more on that situation, the image in your brain begins to develop more clearly and gets fully exposed as a real happening situation.
These images then signal the sub-conscious mind as well as the cosmic forces to create a real life situation. Cosmic forces understand images sent by the sub-conscious mind as signal for our desire. Then cosmic forces influence us and push us to take such actions that make the image convert into real life situation. These cosmic forces may also attract and influence other people who could help create those situations in our life. In this process cosmic forces also create coincidences and permutation combination of several events for the success of manifesting those unwanted situations.
If we are careful in our thoughts, imaginations and feelings then we can avoid creating unwanted painful situations in life. In fact, we can start creating all those situations, which we really want for our success, prosperity, happiness and well-being.
There should not be any negative thoughts, imaginations and worries for anything. You should not allow your mind to focus on something which you don’t want… otherwise you actually strengthen the neural networks of your brain and would create the image for something which you don’t want.
Worry is actually a very powerful form of negative goal setting.
There are five laws to create what you want in life and avoid creating what you don’t want:
- Stop worrying and fearing for anything in life and instead direct your mental focus on those things, situations and circumstances which you want. “Never focus on anything which you don’t want”.
- Whenever you cannot stop your worries then offer them at the feet of God and ask him to take care of it, as you are incapable of handling your worries. Accept whatever you get as gift from God.
- Seek forgiveness from all those people whose feelings, knowingly or unknowingly, you have hurt.
- Visualise your positive goals with positive affirmations.
- Meditate regularly and learn to relax and control your mind.