Mystic Mantra: The role of sadhana
The moment you start seeking, you get rooted into this reality.

It is not that enlightenment “happens”. Enlightenment never happens. It is there; it is always there. The sadhana that you do is just to see it is there. You are not doing sadhana to construct divinity within you — if you do this, you will only construct ego.
So sadhana is not about building something. It is not about creating divinity within you, not about becoming enlightened. It is simply there. Sadhana is just a way of opening your eyes. It is like an alarm bell. Some people need just a buzz — they wake up. That’s all sadhana is. A long alarm bell — it must be piercing. These days, children have those new James Bond watches. In these watches there is a small sharp object, which comes out and pricks your arm, along with a beep-beep sound. So if somebody is too thick-skinned then we have to really poke. It is a process of just waking up. We are just stuck to one level of reality.
Waking up to another level of reality, can it happen? There is nothing to happen if your involvement with this is total, so that you transcend it. Or you are not at all involved, absolutely no involvement with what is here, then also you see the other. These are two ways, either with 100 per cent involvement or zero involvement. Then you are lost in the present reality and see the other reality within you.
So never seek enlightenment. The moment you start seeking, you get rooted into this reality. Please understand without seeking you must work. When people have nothing to get, they cannot be intense. That is their problem; that’s exactly what you need to learn.
When a person does not seek anything but still he can act totally, with utmost intensity, then there is a way. If you seek, then something else happens. You get entangled with this then nothing happens. So the whole process of spiritual dimension or path is just because people don’t get this distinction. They have a mind that does not allow them to be intense and involved with anything where there is nothing to get. That is the reason why it seems to be a great sadhana or struggle; otherwise, it is nothing. If you see this aspect, if you eliminate this one calculation — “What can I get?” If you know how to throw yourself into everything that is around you, then 90 per cent of the sadhana is over in one stroke.