Mystic Mantra: Ego The wall within us
Love is the way of enlightenment and ego is the way of politics leading to insensitive violence.

About 2,500 years ago, when India was rising high in consciousness in the presence of Buddha, Mahavira and many of their enlightened disciples, like Mahakasyapa and Sariputta, the same period was equally glorious for China too. Some of the greatest enlightened masters were born in China, who shared their unique vision of Tao. Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu and Lieh Tzu were the pillars of consciousness who illumined their country and neighbouring countries. And both India and China had one thing in common — the spiritual breeze of consciousness spreading all around the Himalayas and no China wall to obstruct.
The concrete walls do not matter; mental walls or psychological walls are more obstructive. The so-called modern world, which claims to be progressive with its technological wonders and economic growth, is suffering hugely from its psychological walls. Such psychological China walls are blocking human evolution to the higher levels of consciousness, which most of the Eastern countries experienced, shared and celebrated 2,500 years ago.
There is one very mysterious Tao sutra: How does the true man of Tao walk through walls without obstruction and stand in fire without being burnt?
Osho explains it: Someone asked Chuang Tzu, “We have heard that a man of Tao can walk through walls without obstruction, how?” If you don’t have any obstruction within you, no obstruction can obstruct you. This is the rule. If you have no resistance within you, in your heart, the whole world is open for you. There is no resistance. The world is just a reflection, it is a big mirror; if you have resistance then the whole world has resistance. This is very difficult for the ego to understand. Ego is the wall within us and puts up the main resistance. Ego is in conflict with others, and others are also not without ego. This is the reason that the world is full of violence.
An evolved person does not suffer from ego. The true evolution consists of love that shares its fragrance. Love has no fight with any one as the fight always makes the ego strong — as strong as China wall. Love is the way of enlightenment and ego is the way of politics leading to insensitive violence. The politicians don’t meditate and they rule the world. Their bloated ego vitiates the whole atmosphere and they are always busy inventing conflicts. They function without love and meditation. This is the reason that all the nations are always in conflict with each other.
The world today needs to return to the core of the Eastern consciousness — that is the dhamma and the Tao and what the Upanishads call — Rit. These are the intrinsic laws of nature. All this we have already been experiencing thousands of years ago when there was a golden period of spirituality. It was a natural way of living without conflict with nature.
Osho says: “Nature gives her secrets. There is no need to grab, there is no need to kill, there is no need to break the lock. Love nature and nature gives you her secrets. Love is the key. Love does not want to conquer anybody. Love is essentially sharing. The sun, the moon, millions of stars in the sky and Mother Earth are always sharing their abundance. Nature shares everything without any condition. Only the man has forgotten this feeling of sharing — man is into conquering and as a result creates suffering for himself and fellow human beings and other beings.”
Osho warns us: “The world is being poisoned very slowly. The rivers are being polluted, the oceans are being polluted, the lakes are dying. Nature is being destroyed. We are exploiting the Earth so much that sooner or later we will not be able to live in it. We are not behaving well with nature. Our approach is wrong; it is destructive. We only take from Earth, and we never give anything back. The ecology is broken, the circulation is broken; we are not living in a perfect circle, and nature is a perfect circle: if you take from one hand, you give from another, you don’t destroy it. But we are doing it: we only go on taking, and all the resources are being spent. But this poisoning is happening slowly. You don’t see it happening because it takes a long time. And then there are politicians who go on gathering more and more atomic weapons as if man has decided to commit suicide.”