
Mystic Mantra: Meditate and celebrate your original being

The real spiritual approach is not life imitating art or science, but the art of living a life of originality.

Some Western news agencies have reported that scientists can now “upload knowledge to your brain”. Many people feel this is good news. I don’t consider it good news if this process transforms a human being into a machine that has been wired, and some outside agency can control it. This may transform human beings into slaves, totally dependent on scientific masters. There is a grave danger — that of an individual identifying himself with his super-efficient brain, and getting lost in the wonders that it can perform. He will completely forget his soul that already remains sleepy most of the time.

Speaking in psychological terms, the brain of every human being, from his childhood, has always been fed with all kinds of religious beliefs — of Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism, Christianity, etc — that makes a human being fight with his fellow man. Religious leaders have done it successfully even before modern science could think of it.

Researchers claim to have developed a simulator that can feed information directly into a perso’'s brain and teach them new skills in a shorter amount of time. They believe it could be the first step in developing advanced software that will make Matrix-style instant learning a reality. This is certainly exciting, but it is nothing compared to the inner bliss that happens with expansion of consciousness during meditation. Your brain may not gain any borrowed knowledge discovered by others, but you attain self-realisation. It is self-discovery through inner science.

The real spiritual approach is not life imitating art or science, but the art of living a life of originality. A life of imitation is a life of impersonation and imprisonment — not the real self and the free spirit. Osho says: Your beliefs, your traditions, your scriptures, your religions — all are closing your being from all sides. No fresh air, no sun, no rays, no fragrance coming with the air, no life dancing inside you with the sun's rays — how can you be happy? How can you be blissful? You have carved a grave for yourself. Alive, you are living inside the grave.

The brain without consciousness is a mere computer, and may function very efficiently, but it is the awakening of consciousness that matters most.

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