Parliament session being cut?
The Winter Session typically commences in the third week of November, which is practically knocking on the door, and ends just short of Christmas.

The mores of democracy, and conventions that underpin it — going beyond rules and regulations — have seen better days in our country. But it is still more than troubling that the government should seem to be going in the direction of curtailing the Winter Session of Parliament on the altar of political expediency.
The Winter Session typically commences in the third week of November, which is practically knocking on the door, and ends just short of Christmas.
The procedural formalities and the announcement naturally are completed well in time.
After this newspaper hinted at a curtailment in an exclusive story, and others expanded on the theme, BJP spokesmen have been making the lame excuse that the Cabinet Committee on Political Affairs will take a decision. But they do not say when. It has been loudly speculated in ruling party circles, however, that the Prime Minister, top ministers, and leading BJP figures will be needed to be on Whatever the anxieties on account of Gujarat, it has to be noted that never before has Parliament’s schedule been disrupted to accommodate the campaign schedules of ruling party figures for a state election. This is an insult to Parliament of India.
Since the Gujarat election is turning sensitive for the BJP, perhaps the ruling party does not wish to risk unpalatable issues being raised — such as its party chief’s son’s business dealings which have aroused curiosity, and the Paradise Papers in which Union ministers have been named.
What might be truly worrying is if the Winter Session commences late and there is no Christmas break. That will leave a communal message.