
UPSC Civil Services Main Exam 2024 Results Announced

Hyderabad: The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has announced the results of the Civil Services Main Examination (CSE) 2024 on Monday, with over 90 aspirants from the Telugu staters estimated to have cleared the examination.

Qualified candidates will move on to the personality test stage, the interview round and the final round, which begins in January 2025 in New Delhi.

At the national level, 2,845 candidates have been shortlisted for the personality test. As per notification, this year’s recruitment aims to fill 1,056 positions in various services, including the Indian Administrative Service (IAS), Indian Foreign Service (IFS), and Indian Police Service (IPS).

The shortlisted candidates will now receive a detailed application form (DAF-II), where they must indicate their preferences for services, zones, cadres and other details about them. The form must be submitted online between December 13 and December 19 till 6 pm, failing which their candidature will be cancelled.

The DAF will also become a crucial aspect for aspirants during their personality test interview, as information on it becomes the main points for questions during the test.

Gopalkrishna V., director of a coaching centre, noted, “The information provided by the aspirants in forms DAF I & II are the basis for the questions. The interview would test candidates’ aptitude for governance, administration, policy and planning. Candidates appearing at the interview should focus on the current issues which raise questions on governance and policies.”

He also noted that questions in the interview round these days have become dynamic and situational, hence the candidates should prepare themselves accordingly.

The examination process, conducted in three stages, began with the preliminary examination in June, where over 5.5 lakh candidates appeared. Of these, 14,627 progressed to the main examination held over five days from September 20 to 19.

The personality test will be conducted at the UPSC’s office in New Delhi, with detailed schedules to be released soon. E-summon letters for the interview will be made available on the official UPSC website.

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