
‘Raid on bar yielded nothing’

The police raid on Chez Moi Bar & Restaurant at Oshiwara on Saturday was the eighth such raid conducted by the police in the last three years after receiving a tip-off of “drugs being served at a gay

The police raid on Chez Moi Bar & Restaurant at Oshiwara on Saturday was the eighth such raid conducted by the police in the last three years after receiving a tip-off of “drugs being served at a gay party”. However, in all eight raids, the police has not found any drugs being supplied at the party. Even at Chez Moi, only one of the guests allegedly had charas on his person. Speaking to The Asian Age, owner of Chez Moi Bar & Restaurant, Amman Dua said, “There indeed was a raid as reported by the media today. But, what is also true is that the police did not find anything on the premises or on anyone. The police had come following a tip-off they had received the same evening about large amounts of drugs to be consumed in a ‘rave party’. The police found nothing. What is more puzzling is that we also had received a similar call asking about drugs being consumed in my restaurant and bar. The caller spoke in a very vulgar manner. We are going to submit a copy of the recording to the police too,” added Mr Dua. The Oshiwara police admitted that they rushed with the raid on the pub after receiving a tip-off that drugs would be supplied. Chez Moi, however, was operating normally before the raid on Sunday. The owner said that police themselves called them in the morning and told them that they could carry out their operations as they do regularly. “We have been cooperative with the police and so were they. They behaved in a very polite and civil manner and there was no harassment as is often heard of. However, what I suspect is that this is a work of a competitor, a rival.” Among those rounded up were two foreign nationals from America and Germany. The 21-year-old, who was smoking charas and had tested positive for drugs has been bailed out for '12,000 by his parents.

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