
Girls' hostel yet to be opened

Students claim that close to three to four students are accommodated in rooms where only two can live comfortably.

Mumbai: Even after a year since the University of Mumbai (MU) inaugurated a new hostel in Churchgate, the Madam Cama Girls’ Hostel, it is yet to open its gates to students. The Asian Age had earlier reported on how there are very limited seats in existing hostels and most of them are congested, causing inco-nvenience to students. University officials are still unsure about when the hostel will be opened up for students.

“It has been a year I am still waiting for the hostel to open up. The other ones have only tw-o seats for girls, which I failed to secure. Since then, I have been living as a paying guest, which is costing me a fortune. If this continues, I will probably leave the university and try completing my course from so-me other university or college in the state,” a student, who did not wi-sh to be named, said. There are many such students who are going thr-ough rough patches at both the Fort and Kalina campuses due to non-availability of proper hostel facilities. Apart from this problem, in the existing ones, there is a serious congestion problem, which is faced by students.

Students claim that close to three to four students are accommodated in rooms where only two can live comfortably. “We have moved half of our stuff outside the window because if the luggage is to be ac-commodated, people w-on’t be able to even stre-tch their legs properly,” another student said.

When asked, university officials said that minor construction work remains to be completed. “Grilles and windows are yet to be fixed. Once that is done, in one to two weeks, the hostel will be thrown open to the students,” said an official.

This hostel will be the largest of all of MU’s as it has 200 to 250 rooms. It will also have a medical room, a separate library and canteens, among other facilities.

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