
Normal monsoon ahead, predicts Met department

The date of onset of the monsoon will be announced in the middle of May.

Mumbai: In a tiding for farmers, the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) has predicted that this year the monsoon will be 97 per cent of long period average (LPA), which is normal for the season across the country. On Monday, IMD officials stated that there is “very less probability” for a deficient monsoon. The same will be observed in Mumbai.

“The date of onset of the monsoon will be announced in the middle of May,” said an IMD official from Western Region.

“As such this the third successive normal Monsoon. There is a very less probability of deficit monsoon. The normal monsoon forecast looks well for agriculture and the overall economy,” said K.J. Ramesh, director general of meteorology, IMD, said while addressing media in Delhi.

The monsoon is considered normal if the average rainfall is between 96 to 104 per cent of long period average. IMD will issue the update in early June, 2018 as a part of the second stage forecast. Along with the updated forecast, separate forecasts for the monthly (July and August) rainfall over the country and seasonal (June-September) rainfall over the four geographical regions of India will also be issued. Anything less than 90 per cent of LPA is termed a ‘deficient’ monsoon, and 90-96 per cent of the same is considered ‘below normal’.

The four-month monsoon season provides about 70 per cent of the country’s annual rainfall.

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