
Maharashtra govt hikes aid for Schemes

The decision will put an additional burden of Rs 1,647 crores on the state exchequer.

Mumbai: Ahead of the Assembly polls, the state government has decided to increase the monetary aid for schemes meant for orphans and elderly persons. The move is said to benefit around 32 lakh people in the state.

According to state officials, beneficiaries who have subscribed to the Sanjay Gandhi Niradhar Yojana and Shravan Bal Seva Rajya Nivruttivetan Yojana will now get increased monetary aid. Shravan Bal Seva Rajya Nivruttivetan Yojana provides financial help to elderlies who are below poverty line whereas Sanjay Gandhi Niradhar Yojana is applicable to destitute persons of the age below 65 years, orphan children, all types of handicap, person suffering from critical illness, destitute windows and destitute divorced women. An official from the finance department said that state finance minister while presenting the Budget for 2019-20, had announced an increase in the financial disbursement for state government schemes.

“Every beneficiary registered under the Sanjay Gandhi Niradhar Yojana and Shravan Bal Seva Rajya Nivruttivetan Yojana used to get Rs 600 per month. The amount has now been increased by Rs 400, thereby taking the total amount to Rs 1,000,” the official said.

The official added that the widows who have one child would receive Rs 1,100 while those who have two children will get Rs 1,200 per month. The decision will put an additional burden of Rs 1,647 crores on the state exchequer.

“The list of beneficiaries of the state and Centrally-sponsored schemes are computerised and officials have been instructed to make online provisions to ensure they receive the assistance on time. Around 32 lakh poor people will benefit from this decision made by the Cabinet. The smile on their faces important to us,” Mr Mungantiwar said.

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