
Appoint special observers at mosques: BJP to CEO

Aam Aadmi Party convenor Arvind Kejriwal has been giving baseless statements to polarise votes in Muslim dominated areas, alleges BJP.

New Delhi: Delhi BJP on Saturday urged the Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) of the national capital to appoint special observers at the mosques to prevent their misuse for political gains during the Lok Sabha polls.

In a letter to the CEO (Delhi), the convener of Delhi BJP’s legal department, Neeraj has requested the appointment of special observers at the mosques, quoting recent attempts to polarise votes in the run-up to the polls, by some politicians.

“We are bound to write you this complaint due to recent repeated attempts to polarise voters on religious lines by AAP convener Arvind Kejriwal and his party members,” alleged Mr Neeraj.

Mr Kejriwal, while addressing events and public gatherings in minorities dominated areas recently, had been asking people to beware of vote split between the AAP and Congress and vote for his party to defeat the BJP in Lok Sabha polls.

“He has been giving baseless statements to polarise votes in Muslim dominated areas,” said Mr Neeraj.

He requested the CEO (Delhi) to appoint special observers for mosques in Muslim dominated areas so that the political and religious leaders cannot spread “hate” among people to “influence” elections.

“If any violation takes place, based on the reports of the special observers, the Election Commission can take immediate cognisance of it and initiate necessary action,” he said.

This is a matter of “grave concern” to ensure free and fare elections, he added.

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