
Congres minority cell to be strengthened

Targets to induct 1,000 professionals from diverse fields.

New Delhi: The minority cell of the Delhi Pradesh Congress Committee (DPCC) is inducting specialists such as IITians, law graduates, software experts and medical professionals to strengthen the party.

So far they have inducted as many as 100 such people in their team. Ali Mehandi, the Delhi chief of the minority cell said that their target was to induct over 1,000 such people in their team.

“I want to take people with a solid qualification to lead the minority cell. In order to make the minority cell more stronger, we are approaching the professionals at their doorstep,” Mr Ali said.

Mr Ali, the son of former Congress MLA Hasan Ahmed, is a law graduate. He said that apart from inducting professionals in the minority cell we have made dozens of new members too.

“A few were our old members, who had strayed, we brought them back into the party fold. This apart, we also made some Bharatiya Janata Party and Aam Aadmi Party workers our members,” Mr Ali said.

“Compared with the BJP’s minority cell, ours is a powerful one,” Mr Ali said. The BJP’s minority cell could only be termed as Muslim department.

“In our minority cell, we have people from all communities such as Christians, Sikhs, Jains among others who are considered a minority in the country,” Mr Ali said.

He said that in the recent Dusu elections, the minority cell played a vital role in the victory of NSUI candidates. He said that the minority cell members went from door-to-door to canvas for the NSUI candidates. The minority cell is presently busy in making a list of new district and block presidents.

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