
Research shows men are more likely to exaggerate number of people they had sex with

This is seen as the reason why men are often thought to have more partners in bed than women.

Technological advances like social media and online dating have opened up new avenues for users to meet more people as they get room to explore. Rising awareness about sexuality has also led to the importance of sex in overall well being of a person.

But while people may be more likely to have multiple sexual partners, some might just be exaggerating how much action they are getting. A study found that men are more prone to overstate the number of people they’ve had sexual encounters with.

This is seen as the reason why men are often thought to have more partners in bed than women. Meanwhile women seem to recall the exact number of people they’ve had sex with in most cases.

Results showed that men have a tendency to report extreme values and women were more accurate. Meanwhile men and women had different takes on casual sex.

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